Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Blog Post 11

 Final Blog Post

I think that my relationship with technology is fairly healthy because I can balance it out. Many people are always on their phones and always doing something and they can't seem to get off of their phones. I have good control when it comes to when is a good time to check my phone and a bad time to check my phone. I do feel like I spend a little too much time on my phone than I would like but it's mainly to check on things and make sure that I'm not missing any assignments and return calls and texts. I believe that technology will and does make people smarter the fact that the news is all at your fingertips you can research topics online with your phone and can check with other websites if you're confused about something. I know for me when I'm working on an engine and I'm confused I will go on YouTube and look it up and see if anyone has done the task that I'm working on. If they have I follow their steps on what to do and it gives a good visual representation of what I need to do or look for while I am working on it. It also helps to get an understanding of different parts in the engine and know where they are located and how to take certain parts off and on. 

I feel as if my friends and family are about the same as me with technology we all enjoy using it and like to get information very quickly on things we are unsure of. I feel like we all manage it the perfect way by not overusing it unless there is an important call or text that we need to respond to we all check our phones very often and it's important to do this because you never know who could be texting or calling you and you need to respond promptly.

My online footprint is little to none. When I look up my name I can find my link in and Facebook account and that is all that will pull up. This could be a good thing or a bad thing from a few different standpoints if you want to be under the radar and not be everywhere it's good to keep social media on the low not post much and have a private account. However when going into a job they want to see what you post and what you do in your free time to gain background information about yourself. There are many different people when you look up my name that have the same name as me. I feel that if my LinkedIn pulled up as the first one it would be a lot more professional rather than being the 4th or 5th one to pull up. Many jobs like to take a look back and see what you have done in the past and what you have posted to Linked In to see if your requirements have met what they want in the job position they are looking to fill.

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Blog Post 11

 Final Blog Post I think that my relationship with technology is fairly healthy because I can balance it out. Many people are always on thei...