Monday, January 29, 2024

Blog Post 4

   Type Writer

In 1868 the typewriter was invented and had a very big impact on modern-day America and has still had a very long-lasting impact. Many people agreed that this would make written documents easier and faster than standard handwriting.

The way the printing was done is through an inked ribbon. which is fitted on spools, travels with the operation of the machine, and reverses automatically when one spool becomes completely unwound. This a foolproof way of printing without getting jammed up and keeping it clean with ink. In many other machines, an inking pad is used, the type contacting the pad before printing. This would typically get dried out and need to be cleaned very often making a big mess.

Later on, noiseless typer writers are made and are very big because of the fact that normal writers are very loud and make many sounds. This would help the writer out in very many ways keeping everything quiet and keeping the process on track. They used a linkage in the new type of writing it made the velocity of keys much lower but didn't sacrifice any time while writing. There are a few flaws with this machine the biggest being when typing it made an impression lighter than normal all though this might not be to big of a deal it could make reading certain articles very difficult to read.

Now electric typewriters have been introduced this is the best thing that typewriters have seen. this made typing much less work and easier to press keys in forming articles and could speed up the process with how fast keys would come up and go down. In the internals, it was powered by an electric motor made by Thomas A. Edison in 1872. This was very advanced for this period with how fast you can now type.

Portable typewriters are now introduced and make typing on the go are now very common and used by many people. You no longer need to be stationed in one spot or at a desk it was very common to now see these with the lighter weight they had and easy for people to type as they were talking to someone or reporting a news on site. Once the first one was introduced many companies made this standard for their typewriters and made it a lasting impact.

The last revision to the typewriter was a high-speed printing machine that could type much faster and make it less timely to type. These would speed up the process of everything and make it so that anyone could type at a speedy rate. This increased type speed of up to 100,000 characters per minute has been attained, as compared with about 1,000 characters per minute. This was a very big change and made it even easier to type.

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