Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Blog Post 3

Blog Post 3

I feel that the 8th one "Protect Dissent" is the most important to me and it stands with me for great
reasons. I feel that Americans have been using this for a while and really do rely on it. Many Americans have protested if their rights have been taken and made it loud and clear for everyone to know.

To start this stands very important because it has to do with the freedom of speech many Americans exercise in today's time. This is very important for citizens to share their opinions on something that they like or dislike no matter what it is the government can not tell you to stop sharing your opinion. This also ties into social media, you can post whatever you would like about the government whether it's bad or good and they can't stop you from expressing how you feel and this makes us very different from any other country. If it were somewhere else and you would post trash-talking your leader they would come after you because they don't have rights like America. Media has been supper big the past few years with how people will share things about politics and it really stands out about why it's important to have your rights. The media's role in highlight a check on government actions ensuring transparency and accountability.

This Protect Dissent it is also protects you with Legal Protections this is to help the citizens if they are being put on trial for something. This aspect helps individuals against unjust legal consequences, providing a process they must go through. This aspect makes it show that you can't be arrested for something unless proven guilty and America is built on that.  

Americans take a lot of these for granted and sometimes won't act out on it when they could be stripped from them and push them into a lifestyle that isn't the American way that America built there selfs on. The way that certain countries make their citizens live not being able to speak out on what is wrong and good limited them because if they say something against their leader they will be hunted down and possibly killed.

In America I feel that we are the only ones who really have a way to speak out on social media I never see anyone from Russia typing on twitter expressing their feelings about the way they feel about their government. We have the right to express what we think in the news is wrong or right or can be justified. That is why this sticks with me the most because I think its very important to express how you feel about something.

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