Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blog Post 9

 AI Taking Over

Will AI Take Over The World? Or Will You Take Charge Of Your World?
AI has been on a constant rise and has had a significant impact on the normal public. In ways, it can make jobs quicker and lower the cost of certain goods. AI has put many Americans out of jobs and it's really starting to hurt America and other countries. There are certain jobs that AI cannot do but it's important to know that every day AI is getting smarter and smarter making them do tasks that humans can't even do. Having AI as a business owner would make it a lot cheaper so you don’t have to pay employees and can have AI function 24/7 without a break making items come out faster and ship faster than a traditional human. AI has put the whole world a step forward in everything that is done today. AI has really changed the fact that Customer Service can be open 24/7 by programming them to know the information to get commonly asked questions answered as quickly as possible making it better for the customer and the workers.

Now there are Deep Fakes these are AI-generated videos that take real people and can make it look like they say something that they never did. This is very important to know because certain people can take this and post it and have it go viral and the viewer has no idea that it is fake and believed and it would hurt the reputation of certain individuals. This idea of deep fakes has a good side and a very bad side as stated it can hurt reputation if used in a bad way, however, it can really be good for other uses. Many jobs will use this to put a simulation into a job scenario and it is used most of the time in training for medical use to put trainees through a difficult situation and act it out rather than having to deal with it in real-time and be unsure how to treat something. Overall I believe that this could be a very good thing for the fact that many people can get in-field training before having to experience it in real-time. I believe this makes me feel a lot more safe because there can be training to help a very difficult situation that I could be in or someone else. I think that using deep fakes can be good but once the public gets a hold of it can turn into something that can't really be changed. I think that if we have strict restrictions on deep fakes the government could make it so that it can be beneficial to the rest of the public. And help with many other jobs that can use something that will improve the function of their workers or customer service by giving an almost face-to-face interaction about how to resolve an issue. 

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